Public and
Private Events
Any occasion which involves mass gatherings, be it a private function such as a wedding or a public event such as a cultural evening, music festival, religious feast or a local council event, needs Health and Safety to be a priority. The organiser is responsible for taking reasonable steps necessary to prevent any foreseeable harm, both for the staff involved as well as the attendees. During the planning stage, the site capacity, access to the venue, traffic management, slips, trips and falls hazards, crowd management, child protection, noise, adverse weather conditions, environmental issues, catering facilities, fire hazards and first aid are all common factors which should be taken into consideration.
Let us help you!
We can support you through all the necessary stages to ensure compliance with all the necessary legal requirements. This includes meetings and toolbox talks, both in the planning and the implementation stages, with all stakeholders involved to ensure the health and safety of the organisers, staff and attendees.
Services Offered
Generic Risk Assessment
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Safe Systems of Work (SSOW)
Toolbox talks
Emergency Procedure Guidance
Fire Risk Assessment
Fire Evacuation Procedure Guidance
Bomb Threat Evacuation Procedure Guidance